Organically grow on Instagram.

Ideal Advantage
6 min readDec 25, 2020

Instagram has become a platform every business will benefit from to a greater or lesser degree.

If you want to more about IG and algorithms and more detail’s be free and send me a message at or you can visit IDEALig.

For many, it is perceived as relatively simple to post a strategy for content on Instagram, but still, we see that more people are struggling with steady growth and conversion of the right target groups.

How to crack the code?

The answer is simple: you need to know the algorithm and learn the right tricks.

Understand how the algorithm works

The first thing you should know about is how Instagram ranks content and how you should relate to it.

The Instagram feed is algorithmically driven and ranks the “best” posts first.

That is photos with high commitment.

3 key factors for good ranking:

  1. Interest: The most important thing about content on Instagram is that it arouses interest in the target group. Spend time creating good captions and CTAs (calls to action).
  2. Time: Finding the best time for records and sticking to them is important to increase your organic reach in the long run.
  3. Interaction: Instagram regularly analyzes the relationship between you and your followers. This means that followers who like and comment more often will be more likely to have their content appear later.

8 tips to increase range

Time and varied content


To achieve good reach, it is important to find an optimal posting time that generates a high degree of likes and comments.

You do this by posting at a time when your followers are most active, as it naturally leads to faster engagement on the post, which in turn causes Instagram to push the post right in the feed.

Use Instagram’s own analytics feature for all it’s worth.

Check when your followers are most active, map out who you reach, and at what time.

Feel free to use previous posts to compare which times reached the most users.

Here it is the trial and error principle that applies.

The insight function looks something like this.

Here you have the opportunity to find the most active users and which days and times they are most active during the week.

Varied content

To increase the chance of arousing the target group's interest, it will be important to deliver a good variety of content.

Review your content and consider:

What can we do to create variety?

The type of content that works obviously depends on the industry, but it will still vary between both images and video.

Let’s say you run a clothing store.

It is not necessarily the case that the target group only wants product images.

Dare to post more personal content that highlights the human aspect of your business.

Everything from employees’ photos to customers’ own photos, simple product photos, and garments on models can work.

Use the right hashtags.

Hashtags are important for achieving higher engagement and potentially increasing reach, but only if one uses good and relevant hashtags.

How many you reach with hashtags depends on how often the hashtag is used and how popular your post is.

Feel free to check how well your mail works by checking how high your mail ends when searching for the relevant hashtag.


Assess the most relevant hashtags for your business.

It may be an idea to create a list of hashtags that work for you.

This way, you can keep a consistent hashtag strategy.

Try to avoid too many hashtags; 7–8 hashtags hold!

Communicate with the consequences

“Communication is key.”

, this principle applies to Instagram like all other social platforms.

Make sure you value the communication you can have with your followers; a few points are important to think about:

  • Be available and answer questions if there should be any.
  • Set aside some time to respond to comments, thank you for the nice comments, and accept any criticism in a good way.
  • Be active and engaged in the posts of followers and similar companies; it will benefit you in the long run.

Post content that encourages collaboration

Like the previous point:

“Communication is key.”

, use it for all it’s worth.

Try to encourage followers to interact with their content; it will affect engagement.

How about:

  • Ask a dilemma?
  • Run simple competitions?
  • Ask for followers’ favorites?
  • Ask how the consequences would be for your products?

The possibilities are many.

By engaging your followers, you build personal relationships.

At the same time, we know that engagement leads to better ranking in the feed, win-win!

Use stories

Stories are absolutely optimal for keeping your followers up to date and make it easy to share “real” low-threshold moments from everyday life.

This makes stories an optimal format for using the consumer’s FOMO (fear of missing out).

By tagging other accounts and using hashtags, you can encourage users to get involved with your account.

3 good reasons to use stories:

  1. There is room for creativity and humor and shows the company’s face to the outside world.
  2. It facilitates the collection of valuable data through polls, question and answers functions, and barometers.
  3. It will benefit their exposure, as the company logo will be at the top when users log on to Instagram.

If your followers regularly see your stories, yes — then your posts will most likely appear higher in these users' feed later.

Read more about stories in our blog post about

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Geographic location on Instagram posts is another way to increase reach potentially.

Often users search for specific locations rather than specific locations.

Maybe someone is looking for clothing stores in the area they are in?


Test how it works to be visible in the city you are in as a geographical location rather than the business’s name.

Maybe it will lead to even more people becoming aware of their business?

Arrange giveaways and contests

Giveaways and contests are a fun and effective way to encourage followers to interact with your posts and effectively increase reach.

Maybe you have a garment to solder out to a lucky follower?

How about a gift card?

Or maybe an Easter egg filled with goodies now that we are approaching the Easter holidays?

Ask your followers a question, give them an invitation, and ask them to leave a comment and tag 2–3 friends.

It will definitely help increase the range.

A good example of a giveaway from

Login • Instagram


This competition reached 4,025 people, 29% of whom were new people, i.e., not followers.

An easy way to create engagement and achieve a wider reach without having to cost the shirt.

Experiment with video

It has long been known that video generates more engagement than image content, and all indications are that video will continue in this direction.

With the use of video, you have the opportunity to convey unique messages in a completely different way than simple images can, much thanks to visual tools.

How about using video to:

  • Filming news?
  • Filming videos that inform about the use of your product?
  • Or maybe a movie of regular customers of your business?

According to

Photo vs. Video: How Publishers on Instagram Breakdown Strategy

With Instagram driving enormous engagement for publishers, how are publishers dividing their content across photo and video posts?

, photos get more likes (and generally more engagement), while video generates twice as many comments.

In other words, it is definitely worth testing if there is something that can work for you!

How about testing Instagram advertising?

It may be worthwhile to test advertising on Instagram.

If you manage to develop a good strategy for advertising on Instagram, this can affect organic activity.

Start small.

Use an existing post and promote through an ad.

Feel free to check which posts have generated the highest engagement — it will probably work in an ad as well.

Target your ad to a carefully selected audience.

Also, if you have more questions or where you can literally learn all of this, send me to email, and I will provide you one course where you won’t refuse. A lot of knowledge is hidden! And I’m so glad because I’m starting my way at IG.



Ideal Advantage

An entrepreneur with a vision to help people to grow on social media network. Specialist in Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube Advertising